Huasteca is a culture that developed in a vast region of Mexico shared by the current states of Veracruz, San Luis Potosí, Hidalgo, Tamaulipas, Querétaro and Puebla; they are descendants of the Maya from when they migrated to the Pánuco River region. The Mexicans gave the Huasteca the name of Tonacatlalpan "foodland" because of the fertility that exists in those lands.The Huasteco people did not disappear with the Spanish Conquest; their descendants continue to live in the region historically inhabited by their ancestors and one of their main traditions is the " Xantolo" (word introduced to Nahuatl by the deformation of the Latin phrase festiumominum sanctorum, which means feast of all saints) which is a derivation of Milkailjuitl (pre-Hispanic celebration to worship the dead), festivity that year after year the Huastecos perform to offer, thank and receive their deceased in a very special way The preparations in some places begin from the month of September, but it is from October 28 that everything becomes more festive ending on November 3; During those days it is believed that the souls of the deceased return visibly to the world of the living and mix with each other, so they must be received with respect For this, altars are made that are composed of a wooden table on which in each corner a rod is placed that represents the four stages of man's life: childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age, these rods bend and tie the tips to form two arches, in which the crossbars signify the passage of the seven mythological rivers where souls are purified, adorned with marigold flowers and fruits; On the table is placed papel picado, candles, water, religious images, photographs of deceased and flowers October 31 is the day in which the dead children are commemorated, a path is made with marigold flower so that they can reach the altar and toys and sweets are placed; for November 1 the day of All Saints is commemorated and is for the deceased adults, from early candles are lit and tamales, atoles, bread, alcoholic beverages, mole, etc. are placed in the offering, filling each Huastec home with pleasant aroma; November 2 is the day of the Faithful Departed and it is when the offerings are taken to the pantheons, the graves are arranged and they live in the cemetery with the souls to later dance and enjoy with their loved ones During these 4 days of celebration the whole region is filled with excitement since the deceased are among them, cuetes are thundered, bells are ringed, prayers are heard and dances are performed to the sound of the jarana, the huapanguera guitar and the violin; But just as they believe that the deceased are present, there is also death that wants to take them back to the other world, so they hide among the living and put on masks so as not to be recognized and enjoy their party; there are gangs of men dressed as women who dance to the sound of the huapangos, steal food from the offerings and make mischief; the celebration ends on November 3 which is when the gangs dance all night and at the end they take off their masks From what you could read it is a beautiful tradition that is worth knowing; If you have relatives in that area you should not miss it, and if not, just call us and we will take you … "To enjoy and dance, that life is going to end"
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