Daily departures from the CDMX

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Daily departures from the CDMX

Daily departures from the CDMX

Take advantage of not only your holiday and travel at any time

Departures are daily from South Central, Tapo, Tlalnepantla and Ixtapaluca

We have the backing of the most prestigious commercial bus lines that are ADO and Estrella de Oro and with a various lodging options that fit any pocket

Packages include:
-Ground transport departing from the CDMX
-02 nights lodging
-Foods according to the selected plan

For children, children are considered to be 3 to 11 years old

For more information or need a special quote, please contact us on CDMX (55) 5772-8139 / Leon (477) 1950774 whatsapp 5549994096
or in the email andaretours@hotmail.com

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